For information I have attached copies of the two presentations by Joe Donnelly, (UNISON National Health and Safety Officer) and Dr Bryan Monson, (Deputy CEO of the Health and Safety Executive NI). Both were presented to our Health and Safety Seminar in UNISON Belfast on Friday 2nd February 24.
I have received positive feedback from those who attended the seminar last week. It would be my intention to hold this event again next year. We can discuss this with the Forum members later in the year.
The UNISON National Health and Safety Seminar will be held on Tuesday 30th April in the Europa Hotel in Belfast. Branches are encouraged to register their delegates online – deadline is 29th February, £138 per delegate. No travel/flights or accommodation costs. We have 36 delegates from 12 branches from NI registered to date but a number of branches have not sent anyone. Our Regional Secretary will be opening the seminar. It’s focus is ‘Violence at Work in the Public Sector’.
The Health and Safety Executive NI have an advice line which is a useful tool for everyone. Bryan encouraged our reps to use it stating that “you are our eyes and ears in the workplaces”. Details of the advice line and their website are on the last slide of Bryan’s powerpoint presentation.
Claire Shevlin from Thompsons also gave a presentation on legal processes. She also gave all a card with Thompson’s details regarding their legal processess – UNISON: 0800 0 857 857 or visit
Our next get together will be to attend the NIC/ICTU wreath laying event at the end of April in Stormont. I will circulate the details when I receive them from ICTU.
As Ray Rafferty (Royal branch) has recently retired I have advised NIC/ICTU that UNISON are putting forward Carmen Biagioni as Chair of their Health and Safety Committee.
National Seminar – Tuesday 30th April in Belfast
Date of next meeting – Friday 21st June 10.30am in Galway House in person and hybrid.
Nuala Conlon
UNISON Regional Organiser