Dear colleagues
We wish to update you on the following issues:
Relief Poll:
Earlier this year we conducted an electronic poll of our members who were currently working on the Relief Tier. This was to scope the opinions of our affected members on how relief staff covering temporary core rota vacancies should be managed (either on a rotational or seniority-based system). The outcome of the poll was that 78% voted in favor of seniority and 22% in favor of rotation. The purpose of the poll was to consult our affected members and establish the Unison negotiating position. This result has been shared with NIAS and we will continue to negotiate to reach an agreed Management of Relief Staff Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
We have been informed by our suppliers that there are delays in delivering our diaries this year. We have been told that this is due to several issues such as Brexit and Covid. We still intend to do our best to get the diaries to all our stations / units before the Xmas Holidays, but due to the logistics of this and current restrictions, some areas or stations may be delayed until early January.
Christmas Vouchers:
Due to current restrictions, the branch has been unable to meet on a face-to-face basis since the beginning of Covid–19. We have instead had our regular monthly branch meetings via Zoom. Many of our meetings with NIAS and Region have also been held electronically. This has resulted in a significantly reduced expenditure on mileage and incidental branch expenses. The branch has voted unanimously that we should give back to our members from this saving. We will therefore be issuing a £50 Tesco / ASDA Voucher to every station / unit that is required to work over Xmas Eve/ Xmas Day / Boxing Day. This is to provide some food and refreshments, on station, for those working over these days / nights (members or not). This is simply a one-off gesture from the branch to our members / colleagues to wish you all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. These will be distributed by our Shop Stewards and H&S Reps who will either manage the vouchers themselves or nominate someone from each unit to be responsible for managing them.
We wish you all a safe, happy Xmas & New Year.
End of communique